Re: Sorting Rows
Hi @dark_knight , Smartsheet is treating your numbers as text when it sorts. You'll find several work around posted in the Community. If you can, the easiest solution is to use leading 0s to make you…1 · -
Re: Flag is true when status is not complete and date modified is 5 days old
=IF(AND(NOT(staus@row="Complete"), Modified@row<today(-5)), 1, 0) Mark1 · -
Re: Dynamically populate a drop-down list
Hi @ndeorah , Neither of those capabilites exist currently. Consider submitting an enhancement request at the link below.1 · -
Re: Remove a dropdown option once selected
Hi @Chelsea LeBlanc , Smartsheets doesn't currently have the capability to dynamically change dropdown options. It would be a useful capability. You should suggest it as an enhancement, link below. M…1 · -
Re: IF formula with multiple conditions
Hi, Try: =IF(AND(Impact@row = "Low", Likelihood@row = "high"), "medium", IF(AND(Impact@row = "high", Likelihood@row = "Low"), "medium", IF(…1 ·